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Music by Gairin Celtic Music

Coyote Party by Gairin

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Coyote Party

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Coyote Party is just one of the many wonderful accordion tunes written and performed by Mary Kay Aufrance. This tune got its name for the happily yipping sound Mary Kay enjoyed hearing on the hillside behind her Carson City, Nevada home, as she played her accordion. This song appears with other original music on the CD Musical Dreams by Tom and Mary Kay Aufrance of Gairin Celtic Music. You can enjoy the music video on this page.

Provided to YouTube from the album Musical Dreams (c) Tom and Mary Kay Aufrance, Lake Tahoe USA...
This video was uploaded on 10/06/2014. The video lasts for 1 minute and 25 seconds. Coyote Party

Item condition: NEW
Catalog Number: WPt-KKYLJxo
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Gairin Celtic Music

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