Books by Tahoe Bird Feeders

The Backyard Bird Feeder's Bible: The A-to-Z Guide To Fee-
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Offered by Rodale Books. The Backyard Bird Feeder's Bible: The A-to-Z Guide To Feeders Seed Mixes Projects And Treats (Rodale Organic Gardening Book). Pull up a chair next to the window looking out on your bird feeder and join author Sally Roth in an informative, inspirational, and often light-hearted look at the foods, feeders, and plants that invite birds to visit your feeding station. From fast foods and freezer treats to innovative ways of serving up leftovers, you'll find plenty of creative ideas for keeping your feeders filled when hungry birds are crowding the perches. Sally shares a lifetime's worth of bird-feeding experiences, including:
Which foods attract which birds, helpful hints on choosing and maintaining feeders, the best bird-attracting frutis and flowers to plant, and much, much more!
You'll learn about the birds that visit feeders, too: how to identify them, how they behave, and which feeder foods they like the best. What's more, you'll discover a wealth of tips for turning your landscape into a bird haven that will ring with birdsong all year long. On every page of The Backyard Birdfeeder's Bible, Sally Roth shows you how to make your bird-feeding efforts more satisfying, more successful, and definitely more fun. Put her knowledge to work in your yard and enjoy the endlessly fascinating beauty of wild birds.
Birds of Lake Tahoe
Discover the beautiful birds at Lake Tahoe and hear them singing on our Lake Tahoe birding presentation. Click on the Western Tanager to go there...
of the Lake Tahoe Basin
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Catalog Number: 875968341
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Tahoe Bird Feeders