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For The Birds by Tahoe Bird Feeders


Gtongoko Metal Tube Bird Feeder 18.5 Inch 4 Ports

Reg. Price: $18.99
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Favorite Bird Feeders

Offered by Gtongoko. This Gtongoko Metal Tube Bird Feeder 18.5 Inch 4 Ports Wild Bird feeders for Outdoors Hanging Weatherproof and Water Resistant Bronze bird feeder features

Large Capacity

Gtongoko copper tube of the bird feeder is 15 inches long and 3.7inch wide. It can hold up to 1.5lbs of bird food including sunflower kernels and various mixed cereal foods. It is a necessary product of outdoor bird watching.

Metal Finishing

The bird feeders copper top bottom and perches are made of sturdy metal they are not only resistant to rust but also not easy to fade so your bird feeder always looks new

Attractive Appearance

The retro appearance and unique colors make the cardinal tube bird feeder more popular with birds. The transparent husk allows you to know if you need to add food at any time. Lift the lid can be easily filled.

Wild bird feed consists of high-quality plastic multiple feeding holes allows many birds to eat at the same time and the round feeder house keeps food fresh and dry to avoid breeding of bacteria as it is not good for the health of the birds

The angled eaves can protect the bird food from wind and rain and the durable metal hook can stabilize the bird feeder. Not affected by any weather it can be hung in courtyards villas tree trunks and other places.

Birds of Lake Tahoe

Discover the beautiful birds at Lake Tahoe and hear them singing on our Lake Tahoe birding presentation. Click on the Western Tanager to go there...
Birds of Lake Tahoe photos and sounds

Birds of the Lake Tahoe Basin

Item condition: NEW
Catalog Number: B08Z3BJ6QS
Allow: Amazon for delivery.
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