Personal Protection by Bear Spray and Mace

SABRE Frontiersman Practice Bear Spray, 7.9 oz Canister
Reg. Price: $19.99
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Offered by SABRE. SAFE FOR PRACTICE: Does not contain pepper irritant, BUILD FAMILIARITY AND CONFIDENCE: Learn how to use bear spray in a safe environment effectively with the Inert Practice Spray and increase your safety through muscle memory and confidence building, PRACTICE BEFORE HITTING THE TRAIL: Be prepared before you begin your hike by practicing with this inert training unit, which feels and deploys like the real thing providing users with practical experience when training, NO SURPRISES: This practice spray features the same spray pattern and deployment mechanism as its active Frontiersman Bear Spray counterpart, so you know what to expect should you encounter a bear, MAXIMIZE YOUR SAFETY WITH FREE TRAINING: Free online training videos with step-by-step visual instructions are available to help you gain confidence and maximize your safety.
SABRE Frontiersman Practice Bear Spray, 7.9 oz Canister, Safer For You, The Bears, and The Environment
Item condition: NEW
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Bear Spray and Mace