Personal Protection by Bear Spray and Mace

Griz Guard bear spray with a UDAP Griz Guard hip holster
Reg. Price: $39.99
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Offered by Griz Guard. Includes The Most Accessible and Functional Griz Guard Bear Spray Holster., Most Powerful Formula Allowed By The EPA., Rapidly Deploys Heavy Fog With 30 Foot Range., Field Proven and Rigorously Tested., Trusted by Campers, Hikers, Hunters and Outdoor Enthusiasts..
Griz Guard bear spray featuring a UDAP Griz Guard hip holster
Brand: Griz Guard
Item Weight: 7.9 Ounces
Range: 30 Feet, 35 Feet
Team Name: UDAP
Item condition: NEW
Catalog Number:
Allow: Amazon for delivery.
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Bear Spray and Mace